The Church Hall (unfortunately no longer there) was built in 1928 on Church Street North.

This is a picture taken of the opening ceremony. According to a newspaper report upwards of 1000 people attended the opening.

Those in the photograph reading from left to right
Back row Messrs. W.A. Derbyshire (architect), R.J.Cooke (choirmaster), A.H.Booth (sec)
Middle row Messrs. S.Todd, C.E.Gaunt (contractor), L.E.Lowe, J.Syddall (wardens)
Bottom row Mr.H.E.Burgell, Mrs.S.J.Fletcher, Mr.J.C.Allison, Rev.E.A.Crompton (Rector), Mrs H.Tomlinson (opener), Ald.G.A.Eastwood (chairman), Mrs E.A.Crompton, Mrs E.Redfern, Miss Clarke.
The hall was also the Sunday School building.
Many social events were held in the hall and was the base for the Square Peg Youth Group.
We hope to add photos of some of the activities on this page and on our ‘memories’ section of this website.
A picture from a Faith Supper 1986

Mrs L Marriott & Miss Gore in charge of raffle. Church Hall Late eighties